Charlie Kirk: “The southern border is, of course, the great replacement. They're trying to replace us demographically. They're trying to make the country less white.”
Kirk: “It is an anti-white agenda. And there's another story where the only reasonable explanation you would do something like this is because you hate white people.”
From the January 8, 2023, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble
CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): There's another story that seems to be unrelated, but it's exactly what's happening. Now, the southern border is, of course, the great replacement. They're trying to replace us demographically. They're trying to make the country less white. They're trying to make the country more like the third world, the dumping ground of the planet is the United States southern border. And the secret is out - the rapists, the thugs, the murderers, fighting-age males, they're coming from across the world, from China, from Russia, from Middle Eastern countries, and they're coming in and they're coming in and they're coming in and they're coming in. And speaker Johnson does nothing. It is an anti-white agenda.
And there's another story where the only reasonable explanation you would do something like this is because you hate white people. And some people say, oh, Charlie, come on. There's other reasons why they want the border policy. No. No. No. If you read their literature, you spend time around them, the contempt, the resentment that the left-wing ruling class has for white Anglo-Saxon Protestant males is real. Even beyond that, they can't win the white vote. No matter how hard they try, you look at the white vote, they can't win it. They lost it by 20 and 17 percent in the last two presidential races. They can't win it. And so, how do you win over white voters? You don't. You just bring in more third worlders and you dilute AKA replace them.