Charlie Kirk on state abortion bans: “Kamala Harris wants to tell states like Tennessee what they can do with their pro-life legislation”

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Citation From the September 25, 2024, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble 

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): I want to begin today, Blake, and the audience about something Kamala Harris said yesterday. Now there's been a fair amount of apprehension amongst those of us that are pro-life that Donald Trump is insufficiently pro-life. Therefore, I'm gonna stay at home and I'm gonna protest vote him. Meaning, I'm not going to vote — and just so you know, there are, at least in my circle, I know of a lot of pro-life people that refuse to vote for Trump. Now they're getting there because they say that Trump is not as pro-life as they would like to be. I think this is silly and foolish, and I say this as somebody who's very, very pro-life. But recent developments by Kamala Harris shows that he is far more pro-life.

BLAKE NEFF (CO-HOST): Vastly more pro-life, and more to the point, pro-life in the ways that politically matter right now. And I think that is the most important framing to put on it.

KIRK: Yeah. And so what Kamala Harris announced yesterday for the first time is that she is willing to nuke the filibuster, which is a tactic that is used in the Senate, it's not constitutional, that slows down pieces of legislation, effectively saying that we're gonna gut the filibuster to reinstitute Roe v. Wade. Now, this might sound like something you've seen on a television commercial from Kamala Harris, but it's something completely different. What she is saying is that she will overturn any state that might have pro-life legislation — in Oklahoma, in Kansas, in Tennessee. So what is so remarkable about this tape that we're about to play — this is Kamala Harris in a phone interview, I imagine a radio interview of some sort, and she does this unprompted. Nobody asked a question of Kamala Harris about the filibuster, at least to my knowledge. I don't know what the question was asked. It seemed as if Kamala Harris just meandered right into it and said it and her team had it prepared for her to make this announcement. Kamala Harris wants to tell states like Tennessee what they can do with their pro-life legislation. The brilliance and the moderate ground that President Trump has been saying is this is a state's rights issue. It has been for quite some time. There'll be ballot referendums and state laws. Kamala Harris wants to overturn the state-directed citizen-led component of the pro-life abortion debate.