Charlie Kirk: There is a “border invasion” and “native-born Americans, you better buy weapons, everybody. Have a lot of guns at your disposal”
Kirk: “The break-ins, the looting, the murder, the rapes, the arson, it's -- by the way, this is just getting warmed up. You got 15,000 fighting age males that are getting deployed all across the country.”
From the January 23, 2024, edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on Rumble
CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): So, effectively, Texas has to suspend all activity that they were attempting to do to stop the border invasion. The federal government has come in and said our borders will remain open, and we will not have a nation. The invasion will continue until morale improves is the prime directive from the federal government.
The break-ins, the looting, the murder, the rapes, the arson, it's -- by the way, this is just getting warmed up. You got 15,000 fighting age males that are getting deployed all across the country. Native-born Americans, you better buy weapons, everybody. Have a lot of guns at your disposal. I would never leave your home without a weapon. It's the new country we live in. It is Mad Max. Biden is creating Mad Max. You're on your own.