Charlie Kirk: “Why are whites taking this? Why are we just sitting idly by and allowing corporate America to give all the jobs to nonwhite people”
Kirk: “Where is this headed? South Africa. That's where this is headed. They repeatedly have calls for genocide against white people”
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CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): Where is this headed? South Africa. That's where this is headed. They repeatedly have calls for genocide against white people. And by the way, we are getting tons of emails, freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com, Charlie, I'd be -- I'm passed over for jobs. Charlie, I apply here, white, I can't find a job. I've been looking for a job for quite a while.
How much -- and by the way, why are whites taking this? Why are we just sitting idly by and allowing corporate America to give all the jobs to nonwhite people, and the destruction of meritocracy?