Darren Beattie: Ron DeSantis should use Florida resources to create a “standoff-type situation” at Trump’s residence to protect him from an indictment
Beattie: “He could basically protect Trump in a situation where Trump's, like, in the governor's mansion protected by the state's troops”
From the March 23, 2023, edition of The Salem Radio Network's The Charlie Kirk Show, streamed on YouTube
CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): The critics, the normies say there's nothing DeSantis could do. What could he do?
DARREN BEATTIE (GUEST): Well, again, this is a bold and arguably extreme step, but as a governor, Governor DeSantis is in charge of the state troops. And he could, you know -- Trump would have to cooperate with this, but he could basically protect Trump in a situation where Trump's, like, in the governor's mansion protected by the state's troops and force the issue to go to, you know, federal court and have them say, okay, you know, what's what's the ruling here? And actually create a kind of, you know, resistance, sort of, standoff-type situation as the governor of Florida where Trump resides. That, you know -- there are pros and cons of that. That would be an especially bold step. But what it does is, as even as a thought exercise, it underscores this new reality that the left and the Democrats have thrust us into. It's an unfortunate reality, but it's one in which control over states really is, you know, critical.
You know, think about the concept of sanctuary cities where you have -- you know, all of those sanctuary cities, sanctuary states where certain broad swaths of a criminal, entire criminal class are effectively protected, that -- this is, sort of, the next step of that. It invites us to think what the next step is of that, where you could have a situation like a Kyle Rittenhouse-type situation that -- who's protected by a Republican governor who refuses to indict, you know, extradite him to a blue state that wants to charge him. This is kind of an increasingly polarized country. This sort of portends or gestures toward this new reality in which who controls the state, what political party, what apparatus controls the respective states is of increasing importance to our national politics.