Fox host Jesse Watters suggests Russians are funding green energy campaigns “to scare Americans out of fracking and energy exploration”
Watters: “Do you think the greens in America are taking dirty Russian money?”
From the March 3, 2022, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime
MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER (GUEST): I and others over the last week have been pointing out the fact that it was the Secretary General of NATO himself who pointed out that Russia was financing anti-gas fracking activist groups in Europe, which had basically prevented Europe from developing its own natural gas. 15 years ago Europe produced more natural gas than Russia, today Russia produces three times more natural gas than Europe consumes. So it's really been a product of this pro-scarcity, pro-renewables, anti-natural gas, anti-nuclear movement in Europe that allowed Putin to be able to wield the power that he is wielding.
JESSE WATTERS (HOST): You are saying that Russian money was funding disinformation and green campaigns in Europe to get them to get off of natural gas. Get them to stop fracking, scare them out of fracking. Do you think they are financing that type of disinformation campaign here? Do you think the greens in America are taking dirty Russian money to scare Americans out of fracking and energy exploration in this country?
SHELLENBERGER: Well, there was some research into this. I have looked into it to some extent. It's hard for me to say one way or another, I haven't really seen the proof of it.