ANDERSON COOPER (HOST): To say that no Muslims can come into this country. I mean you're painting it with a very broad brush, aren't you?
JEFFREY LORD (CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT): Until we understand how this works, we have dead people in America, dead on the streets of Boston, dead in a conference room. I mean we are in a war here. All we're saying --
VAN JONES (CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT): Let me tell you where you're right and wrong. You're right that we're in a war, but there's a smart way and a dumb way to prosecute in a war. If what you do while you try to prosecute a war actually recruits thousands and tens and hundreds of thousands of people to be against you, that is a dumb way to fight a war.
LORD: They're going to be recruited anyway Van.
JONES: That's not true. Right now, you have a microscopic minority of Muslims that joined a death cult. You have about a billion and a half Muslims who are not that way. But you, you are now supporting and I can't believe you're doing this, but you are supporting the worst possible strategy to actually increase our enemies.
COOPER: Let's take a pause on this conversation.