JAKE TAPPER (HOST): Does Judge [Roy] Moore still believe that homosexual conduct should be against the law?
TED CROCKETT: The reason people support Judge Moore in the state of Alabama is because he's a biblically-based custom law of the Bible. The Mosaic English law. Homosexuality is a sin in the biblical sense. That is where Roy Moore is in the state of Alabama.
TAPPER: Well, does he believe that the Christian Bible should be the law of the United States of America?
CROCKETT: This country was founded on the Christian Bible, founded on the Mosaic law, the Old Testament and the New Testament.
TAPPER: Here's my question for you, sir. Does he think that homosexual conduct should be illegal? It's a yes or no question.
CROCKETT: Probably.
TAPPER: He probably thinks homosexual conduct should be illegal?
TAPPER: And what would the punishment be for a man having sexual relations with another man or a woman having sexual relations with another woman? What should the punishment be?
CROCKETT: It's just a sin, OK?
TAPPER: What should the punishment be for two men having sexual relations? What should the punishment be? I understand you think it's a sin.
CROCKETT: I don't know. I am not going to make that decision.