From the June 30 edition of CNN's The Lead with Jake Tapper:
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JAKE TAPPER (HOST): I mean, Kayleigh, this is 2016. What is that?
KAYLEIGH MCENANY: He was having fun with the audience. And you know what? I think we get offended on behalf of certain groups more often than not. You look at the whole Redskins football team controversy where everyone said that was such an offensive term, and then Washington Post publishes a poll that 90 percent of Native Americans were not, in fact, offended by that term. We live in a culture where everyone’s offended by everything and I think people are more concerned about ISIS and not what some radio host doing an opening for Donald Trump did.
TAPPER: Well, I have got to say, I have a bunch of Native American friends, and if I did that to them they would punch me in the face.