From the March 9 edition of CNN's AC360 Post Debate Special:
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MARIA CARDONA: And you look at that, the huge contrast between what my friend Jeffrey just brought up and the stunning moment tonight, Anderson, when the question came from the woman whose husband was deported, the woman from Guatemala. That was a tear-jerking moment for anybody who has ever come into contact with a family who has had a family member deported. That was a moment that I think just underscores the huge differences between where the Democrats are on this whole issue of deportation, undocumented immigrants, making sure that they're able to be here if they haven't committed any criminal acts, to continue to try to live out their American dream and give them a path to citizenship -- which is frankly where the majority of the American people are -- versus a Republican Party where one of the questions is whether their front-runner is a racist. I think that says it all right there.
JEFFREY LORD: Well let me -- I mean, not to -- not to re-litigate Van and my conversation, but I must say, this is what happens with Democrats on race. I'm still waiting for Mrs. Clinton or any Democrat to get the Democratic Party formally on record apologizing for slavery. I mean, we can start there and go on. So, you know, if they want to get into that, then we can get into that too.