Candace Owens claims “there's a financial incentive” for states to inflate the number of coronavirus deaths
Owens: “These bankrupt states, you think it's ironic that Connecticut and Illinois and New York are they're the ones that are saying they're the hardest hit, and California?”
From the April 6, 2020, edition of Salem Radio Network's America First with Sebastian Gorka:
SEBASTIAN GORKA (HOST): Hey, that was great. That was exactly the two things I want to talk about. I want to talk -- I want to continue that discussion on -- on the stats, how people are being counted. I'll mention your book again.
CANDACE OWENS: Right. Crazy.
GORKA: Is there anything else that you want to talk about?
OWENS: No, let's -- yeah, let's -- let's just stay on this and then really just talk about -- because, I mean, what that infant -- we can, I guess, expand upon why that infant in Connecticut is -- is, to me, the most important thing.
OWENS: It's so telling, because he then said "I had no idea how the infant died" --
GORKA: Well -- well -- well, not only that, not only that, I was listening to a fascinating podcast with a doctor at the weekend, who said, "In Italy, one of the reasons why you have the figures you have in Italy, is that anybody who has coronavirus who dies is deemed to be a coronavirus death" -- which is -- which is -- which is insane. Right?
OWENS: And again, that's how we're calculating it right now.
GORKA: Right?
OWENS: And actually in Minnesota they weren't calculating it that way and they just announced that they're going to begin calculating it that way, like all the other states are doing, because they're realizing that there's a financial incentive.
GORKA: Yeah.
OWENS: I mean, they're getting -- they're getting -- they're getting millions and millions, of -- these bankrupt states, you think it's ironic that Connecticut and Illinois and New York are they're the ones that are saying they're the hardest hit, and California?
GORKA: Yeah.
OWENS: Because people were on the brink of various bankruptcies
GORKA: Right.
OWENS: You know? And because of their mismanaged, socialist --
GORKA: That's -- that's a fabulous point. That's a fabulous point. That's really good
OWENS: Yeah. People -- people just need to really start thinking critically, and it's been astonishing to me -- I mean, I've spoken to conservatives on this, this is off-record, but --
GORKA: Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on -- because -- we're live on YouTube --