CNN's Daniel Dale: Donald Trump is using press briefings as a substitute for rallies
Dale: “There is also Trump using this as a political platform to promote the messages that he’s not able to promote at rallies”
From the March 25, 2020, edition of CNN's The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer
WOLF BLITZER (HOST): Daniel Dale is still with us, our fact checker, what else jumped out at you, Daniel?
DANIEL DALE: One of the things, Wolf, was how much like his campaign rally rhetoric, Trump's rhetoric at this briefing was. Like his rhetoric at previous briefings. We heard him use the phrase 'big, beautiful, wall.' We heard him complain of quote-unquote abuse by members of NATO, single out the trade practices of the European Union. And so I think while there is some important health and medical information being presented at these briefings, especially by people like Dr. Fauci, there is also Trump using this as a political platform to promote the messages that he's not able to promote at rallies because he can't hold rallies right now.