Fox Business guest: COVID-19 disinformation campaign was China preparing to use force against the U.S.
Gordon Chang: “Chinese leaders were preparing in their own mind a justification for using force against us, and they were preparing the Chinese people for the same thing”
From the March 16, 2020, edition of Fox Business' Varney & Co.
STUART VARNEY (HOST): When we come out of the other side of this, Gordon, what you do think will be the relationship between China and the United States?
GORDON CHANG (AUTHOR): It's got to be different, Stuart, and the reason is, we saw on Thursday, the foreign ministry attack the U.S. with a disinformation campaign. That is exceedingly dangerous because Chinese leaders were preparing in their own mind a justification for using force against us, and they were preparing the Chinese people for the same thing. I'm not saying they're going to do that. I don't think they're going to do that, but this is a elements of a really big tragedy. And by the way, we summoned the Chinese ambassador on Friday to tell him to cut it out. And China's ambassador to South Africa today continued this campaign against us. It shows we're not deterring China.