Listen to Media Matters' Alicia Sadowski call out Fox News for spreading anti-vaccine rhetoric while enforcing their own requirements behind the scene
From the September 30, 2021, edition of The Thom Hartmann Program
THOM HARTMANN (HOST): It sounds like what you are suggesting, particularly given that Rupert Murdoch actually jumped the line and got the vaccine before other people, you know, before he should have been eligible, and then at Fox News they require everybody to be vaccinated. They get their own vaccine pass, a passport, at Fox News and their VP of Human Resources or whatever they call the guy, he's bragging about the fact that they got over 90% vaccination rate. And if you're not vaccinated you've got to be tested every day. I mean, that's pretty radical stuff. So, they obviously believe in the vaccine from the top all the way down to the people on the air. And yet, in order to make money they are encouraging people to get sick and die?
ALICIA SADOWSKI (GUEST): Absolutely, I think that's clear because what would keep their audience safe is telling them that there is a settled solution that is overwhelmingly effective and safe and that is to get vaccinated. But what they have done is they've tried, because of habit, their audience has a need for robust clinical trials and testing and undermining the general phrase "the science says" because their audience wants to push back against that. So they are following that lead which is harmful for their audiences' health.