OAN host: State requests for PPE are part of a “Stalinesque” plot by Democrats to “manipulate reality”
OAN's Graham Ledger rants about a “Corona-19” scheme that is “the greatest political conspiracy ever designed to defeat a sitting president”
From the May 14, 2020, edition of One America News Network's The Daily Ledger
GRAHAM LEDGER (HOST): Now Page Four: The unprecedented political conspiracy aimed at destroying both a president and American god-given liberty. The completely-orchestrated blue state governors and mayors working in concert with their fellow radicals at the federal level in Washington, D.C., found their political nuclear bomb in the Wuhan coronavirus. You see, impeachment simply did not resonate enough with the American people. It did not go nuclear, in fact, it was a dud. Not nearly enough Americans were paying attention when Adam Schiff weaponized the House Intel Committee in order to politically attack President Trump by abusing, for partisan gain, the United States Constitution. Most Americans tuned out when ol' Jerry Nadler took to the floor of the US Senate and lied to the American people that Donald Trump had committed an impeachable offense.
No, that didn't work. However, going before the microphones and scaring the American people nearly to death about an unknown bug, oh that was easy. No problem, grabbing all of America's attention with that one, it was so simple. They simply made up a new lie, ten times worse than influenza. It was a massive lie of Stalinesque proportions. Scare the public into believing the Wuhan coronavirus was going to sweep through neighborhoods like the black plague. You betcha people paid attention to that. The politicians whipped people up into a frenzy to the point where it's still impossible to buy toilet paper and Clorox. Cuomo, and Newsom, and Pritzker, and Wolf, and Whitman (sic), and Northam, and Murphy, and Cooper, and Inslee, all of them, all of them seized the moment. These blue state governors are doing with a virus what Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer could not do with impeachment. These governors are manipulating reality for the purpose of harming President Trump.
They took a once-vibrant United States economy and trashed it. They used the virus as an excuse to shut down their economies, transforming on a dime the lowest unemployment rate in U.S. history into Depression-era joblessness. Oh yes. Oh yeah. The governors of these blue states looked at each other and realized that together, they control about one-third of the U.S. gross domestic product, with California and New York serving as ideological and political bookends in a partisan scheme to facilitate a defeat of President Trump on November 3.
Sound fantastic? Sound unreal, that politicians would go so far as to trigger a recession or depression? Negatively affecting millions and millions of Americans' lives for the sole purpose of political gain? Sound impossible, in America? Outlandish? Well, it's not. We are living it, real-time. It's no coincidence that Newsom sounds a lot like Pritzker, who sounds a lot like Northam, who sounds a lot like Cuomo, with their phases or their tiers or color-coding. They're all working together. They're all using the same playbook and it's this: Scare the tar out of the people so badly that they give up their constitutional rights. Then demand from President Trump everything from PPEs and ventilators to a federal bailout. And when people die, they blame the president through their co-conspirators in the mainstream media. These phonies never take responsibility for any of their own mismanagement, like forcing nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients, right, Governor Cuomo? No. They only blame the president. And so they're going to push this political scheme as far and as long as humanly possible. They've got way too much invested in this. Heck, they've got too many Americans capitulated. They've tasted far too much power to simply relinquish it. This, in spite of the numbers and the facts, literally screaming that this entire partisan state-level response to the Wuhan coronavirus is completely unwarranted.
These radical governors keep moving the goalpost. When criteria for reopening gets met, then they simply set new ones. Gavin Newsom first said he's going to relinquish his stranglehold when hospitals were cleared of the coming surge of the coronavirus patients but the surge never came, right? And then it was more ventilators. Never got used. So now, he's requiring the impossible. Zero corona-19 deaths during a 14-day period before any of the 58 counties will be able to fully reopen for business. Similar requirements in Illinois and in New York and in New Jersey, that's because they're all working together. Yes, they're conspiring. They are working in unison, not to protect the public, not to stop the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, but to alter the course of political history. Their goal is to crash the economy and keep it crashed all the way through summer in order to harm the reelection chances of Donald Trump as they perpetuate the greatest political conspiracy ever designed to defeat a sitting president and confiscate our constitutional rights.