Sean Hannity suggests vaping prevents people from getting coronavirus

Hannity: “Don't speak out against my vaping. I like vaping”

Sean Hannity suggests vaping prevents people from getting coronavirus

Sean Hannity suggests vaping prevents people from getting coronavirus
Audio file


From the March 19, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:

CALLER: I'm a marathon runner and I want to know if you have a higher VO2 max -- because it's a respiratory illness -- does that give you a better chance at -- because i'm 54 years old, I'm not young, I'm not old -- do I have a better chance of fighting it off, than, say, perhaps, somebody who is sedentary?

BETSY MCCAUGHEY: Of course. Of course you do. This is a lung disease, so the healthier your lungs are, the better your chance -- it doesn't mean you won't get infected, but you can battle the virus better.

Smokers are extremely vulnerable. Vapers are not doing well, but if you -- 

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): That's actually not true. There was an article, about a medical study that showed that vaping, the whatever -- "propapol something chloride" in a vape is actually preventing people from getting --

MCCAUGHEY: Well, I saw that, I saw that, Sean, but I want to tell you that -- 

HANNITY: Don't speak out against my vaping. I like vaping.

PETER CONSTANTINO: Sean, that propylene glycol is not proven -- it also has other side effects. I don't think we can consider vaping therapeutic --

HANNITY: I think it's extremely therapeutic. For me only, nobody else.