Watch Sen. Dick Durbin call out Fox News and hosts Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham for spreading vaccine conspiracy theories
Sen. Durbin: “There are two hosts of programs on Fox primetime that can only be characterized as anti-vax quacks. I’m referring, of course, to Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham”
From the July 12, 2021, edition of CSPAN-2
SEN. DICK DURBIN: What caught my eye in this morning's paper, as I mentioned earlier, was this article about Fox primetime. They recounted the fact that over the last several months, Fox had been losing ground to CNN, and questioning the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines became a split decision at Fox Network.
Some of the leaders at Fox obviously believe very strongly in the vaccine, and I commend them. I do too. Rupert Murdoch vaccinated in December.
There are two hosts of programs on Fox primetime that can only be characterized as anti-vax quacks. I'm referring, of course, to Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham.
They have been spreading what I consider to be irresponsible information about vaccines across America, and about the effort of this nation to deal with them.