OutKick’s Curt Schilling falsely accuses companies of pushing child porn due to Pride Month participation
Schilling: “Here’s the thing, they’re not pushing the LGBTQ message, they’re pushing child porn, basically”
From the June 1, 2023, edition of OutKick's Curt Schilling Baseball Show
CURT SCHILLING (OUTKICK HOST): We're in the cancel culture and athletes, as Anthony Bass is finding out, don't want to be in the middle of this. And so, Anthony Bass apparently said, and he's a pitcher for the Blue Jays, a reliever, He sent out a tweet: "Here's the reason biblically, why I believe Christians have got to be boycotting Target, Bud Light and any other corporation that is pushing the things they're pushing. I think a lot of people make this into a political issue or they say "Oh, what's the big deal?" The clip later says, "this is evil, this is demonic. We won't stand for it. We're not going to the stores anymore. We're not going to give you our money." Clearly, someone who has philosophical differences and ethic and moral problems with this, because here's the thing, they're not pushing the LGBTQ message, they're pushing child porn, basically. They're pushing perversion at a level that's awkward and uncomfortable and hard to watch. Now again, want to do that in your own home? I don't care. You want to do that in your own community? Nobody cares. But I promise you that the Dodger game that has Pride Day, there will be no fans boycotting, no LGBTQ community members boycotting the game.