The Daily Caller finally gets the Kagan/military recruiting story (mostly) right

Maybe all it took was a nudge from Media Matters.

Last week we detailed how many time Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller botched the facts surrounding military recruiting at Harvard Law School while Kagan served as the dean. The GOP Noise Machine continues to stress the matter with almost absurd zeal (noted legal scholar Newt Gingrich urged Obama to withdraw the Kagan nomination over the recruiting issue.) But as Media Matters has documented, there's really no there, there.

And that's likely why the right-wing media have been misstating the facts of the story, claiming Kagan “banned” military recruiters. (She did not. Recruitment was always allowed to continue on campus, just out of the school career service offices.) And out leading the misinformation charge last week was Daily Caller, which got the story wrong here, here, here and here.

Well, I'm pleased to report that the Daily Caller is now actually adhering to the facts, even if it still omits the context about how Harvard Law students were never denied access to recruiters: [emphasis added]:

And Democratic senators began to mount a defense of Kagan against one of her most questionable decisions, to bar military recruiters from a key student office at Harvard in protest over the Pentagon's “don't ask, don't tell” policy.

See Tucker, that's not so difficult, is it?