Daily Wire host calls Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “a political dominatrix”
Matt Walsh: “This is a petty, ridiculous person who has been given the opportunity to live out her fantasy as, essentially, a political dominatrix”
From the April 14, 2020, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): I would call this dictatorial but this is trailblazing as a dictator, really. Because as far as I know, now I'm not really familiar totally with the legislation in a place like North Korea, but as far as I know even Kim Jong-Un has not thought of this. He hasn't even thought of telling the peasants of North Korea that they can't have their own families over for dinner. So this is -- she's blazing a new trail. The supreme leader of North Korea is looking at the supreme leader of Michigan and thinking "wow, that's a good -- I should've thought of that. These are some good ideas." He's like taking notes while he reads these executive orders.
This is about a petty, ridiculous person who has been given the opportunity to live out her fantasy as, essentially, a political dominatrix. And that's what's happening here.