Daily Wire host calls for “metaphorically” taking “Mickey Mouse's head and putting it on a spike”
Matt Walsh: Disney “proved itself to be an enemy of Florida parents and parents across the country and around the world. Why should it retain its special privileges in light of that? Why shouldn't it be punished for what it's done?”
From the April 21, 2021, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show
MATT WALSH (HOST): Now, thanks to this policy which was put in place back in the 1960s, Disney has been its own little fiefdom, its own – literally its own kingdom in the middle of Florida. It essentially governs itself and, along with those privileges and autonomy came enormous tax benefits and breaks. So DeSantis and his Republican counterparts in Florida want to take that sweet little deal, which has profited Disney to the tune of billions, and just toss it into the wood chipper. Why?
Well, obviously because Disney is not interested in keeping to itself and being its own thing. It wanted to use its vast resources to intrude into Florida politics and impact Florida legislation. It wanted to craft Florida law even while remaining exempt, largely, from Florida law. And it wanted to do all of this in defense of child groomers. It came out fully in favor of and committed to the sexual indoctrination of children. It proved itself to be an enemy of Florida parents and parents across the country and around the world. Why should it retain its special privileges in light of that? Why shouldn't it be punished for what it's done? Why shouldn't it be made to feel the pain?
Defense is simply stopping Disney's intrusion. It's just saying, no you can't do that. Offense is punching back and punching back hard and making sure that they feel it. Offense is making an example of them. Offense is taking Mickey Mouse's head and putting it on a spike – metaphorically, of course. And offense is what we need.