Daily Wire host downplays alleged lies of Rep.-elect George Santos (R-NY)
Michael Knowles: “Maybe he's got some Jewish blood back in his family line. Maybe, I don't know. Maybe he does. Maybe there was a Jewish milkman somewhere in Latin America or wherever”
From the January 3, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): I can't go that hard against George Santos because I think – look, maybe he's got some Jewish blood back in his family line. Maybe, I don't know. Maybe he does. Maybe there was a Jewish milkman somewhere in Latin America or wherever the Santoses are from.
KNOWLES: I can't get all that angry at George Santos. He's clearly a weird guy, he's clearly not to be trusted, he's clearly just a lying politician like so many of them are. But he doesn't seem to be especially a lying politician, certainly no more so than Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden.
This is a story about what confers prestige in the United States.