Daily Wire host: “Ron DeSantis, he has banned books. That's true”
Michael Knowles: “I don't think it's a criticism. I think that's something he deserves praise for.”
From the March 8, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): Gavin Newsom, however, the Governor of California who wants to run for president, he claims California is the freedom state. He's in a big spat right now with Governor Ron DeSantis over in Florida. Governor DeSantis says that he is a model of freedom in America. Newsom says that's BS. That's not true. So DeSantis was just in California for a speech at the Reagan Library. Ron DeSantis ran an ad and the ad said welcome to the real freedom state. Feel free to read a book, get health care, say gay. What does that mean?
Well, he says feel free to read a book. He's talking about the bans that Florida has instituted in schools on gay pornography. So, Ron DeSantis, he has banned books. That's true. That's a real criticism that you can make of him. I think – I don't think it's a criticism. I think that's something he deserves praise for.
He has banned books, specifically gay porn in schools. And Gavin Newsom, rather, is saying, well, here in California, you can read gay porn wherever you want. You can – boy, you can read at the library, you can read in the elementary schools. You can get all sorts of gay porn you want.