Daily Wire host: “There is pretty much nothing that George Santos could do that would make me demand that he resign”
Michael Knowles: “And this is, by the way, probably the main argument for Trump in 2024”
From the February 15, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): I don't really care. I've said it before about George Santos. George Santos to me, his political success is like a bad joke. A bad joke starts out a tiny bit funny. And then the more you tell it, it becomes much much less funny. But then, paradoxically, the more you tell it, the much much much much much funnier it becomes. That's how I feel about Santos.
Santos gets elected, you say, hey, all right. We got a Republican here elected in New York, we got a razor-thin majority already, this is cool. He's obviously a squish. But, you know, whatever. It's fine. That's fine. Overall net positive.
And then you find out, oh, he lied about his education. Well, that's -- he's a liar. That's too bad. Only lied about his employment history. Oh, that's too bad. Oh, and he might not even be a gay guy. He might have been married to a woman – which, I guess, is more traditional. I guess that's, kind of, I guess – maybe that ticks him up a little bit. But then he got divorced and now he's pretending to be a gay guy and – or maybe is. I don't know. And, oh, and he lied about his criminal record maybe. Oh, and he lied about his political positions. Oh, and he lied about -- okay, we're back. It's fine. And he might be under indictment in Brazil. This is getting funnier again. Oh, and he lied about Amish dog breeding. And, okay, this is really, really funny.
At this point, there is pretty much nothing that George Santos could do that would make me demand that he resign – because it's all out there.
And this is, by the way, probably the main argument for Trump in 2024. The main argument against Trump in 2024 is that he's got so much baggage and there are lots of people who just don't like him and he turns a lot of people off and that's that. Strong argument. But the argument for Trump in 2024 is also he's got so much baggage and we know about it and it's all out there and they've thrown the kitchen sink at him and they've made up a bunch of stuff about him and it's been proven to have been made up about him and it is what it is.
For the other candidates, we don't know how much real baggage they've got. We don't know what new baggage the libs are going to invent about them. We don't know how resilient they're going to be in the face of that.