Daily Wire host warns that “the category of lesbian is in fact, in reality, being erased”
Walsh: “If you want to talk about conversion therapy, this is, really, the only kind of conversion therapy that goes on”
From the April 29, 2022, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show, streamed on YouTube
MATT WALSH (HOST): But, as it happens, you know, actually, as much as the left likes to claim that they're being erased -- you're erasing me -- lesbians actually are -- the category of lesbian is in fact, in reality, being erased. And, if you follow the demographic trends, in another 30, 40 years, they just won't exist anymore. And you look at the younger generations - Gen Z and Millennials - while LBGT identification has skyrocketed and trans identification has skyrocketed, lesbian identification has fallen off the cliff. And why is that?
Well, it's because every girl, every woman, who in the past would've identified themselves as a lesbian, now they're being told, that oh no, you're actually a man. You're not a lesbian, you're actually a -- not only a man, a straight man, it turns out. So this is -- if you want to talk about conversion therapy, this is, really, the only kind of conversion therapy that goes on. You know, on top of the most insidious form which is, in general, the way in which kids are recruited into the LGBT fold. But here's conversion therapy. Essentially what the left is doing is they're taking lesbian women and they are converting them into straight men or trying to, anyway.