Olbermann handed Asman, Yost “Worst Person” bronze for claiming journalists won't report heroism while covering Iraq

On MSNBC's Countdown, host Keith Olbermann awarded third place in his nightly “Worst Person in the World” awards to Fox News host David Asman and American Spectator writer Mark Yost for comments they made on Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto. Asman stated that journalists covering the Iraq war are “not going to report on a lot of heroism.” In response, Yost suggested that reporters are “somewhat embarrassed by people or feel lesser of themselves by people who do incredibly heroic things.” Olbermann remarked: “That's right, boys. That's why the media covered up all the heroism on Flight 93.”

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On the May 16 edition of MSNBC's Countdown, host Keith Olbermann awarded third place in his nightly “Worst Person in the World” awards to Fox News host David Asman and American Spectator writer Mark Yost for comments they made during the May 15 edition of Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto. As Media Matters for America noted, Asman stated that journalists covering the Iraq war are “not going to report on a lot of heroism.” In response, Yost suggested that reporters are “somewhat embarrassed by people or feel lesser of themselves by people who do incredibly heroic things” and that “they don't make a big deal of it, because they themselves know that maybe, perhaps, in the same situation they wouldn't have done the same thing.” Olbermann remarked: “That's right, boys. That's why the media covered up all the heroism on Flight 93.”

From the May 16 edition of MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann:

OLBERMANN: Time for Countdown's latest list of the nominees for “Worst Person in the World.”

The bronze, shared by Mark Yost of American Spectator and David Asman of Fox News. Asman says the heart and mind of a lot of journalists covering Iraq, quote, “Isn't in the war, and if that's the case, then they are not going to report a lot of heroism.” To which Yost says, “A lot of times people are reluctant. They're somewhat embarrassed by people or feel lesser of themselves by people who do incredibly heroic things. So the reporters then don't report heroism.” That's right, boys. That's why the media covered up all the heroism on Flight 93.

The runner-up, this time, Consumers Energy of Flint, Michigan. Customer Jacqueline Williams owed the utility $1,662.08. She had to scrounge to pay it. She should have paid it sooner, obviously. When she got to the office, she found she was exactly a penny short. The bill 1,662.08, she's got 1,662.07. So they cut off her electricity for seven hours until she got the other penny to them.

But the winner, well, we have flip sides on the same issue, here. Mayor Troy Anderson of Waldron, Arkansas, accused of patronizing a prostitute, paying for the sex partly in cash and partly by giving the woman a discount on her city water bill. “Hey, baby, how'd you like to have me read your meter?” Mayor Troy Anderson of Waldron, Arkansas, today's “Worst Person in the World.”