Dennis Prager on slavery in the United States: “Most slaves could actually have children”
Prager: “The Black slave population increased tremendously because they could have families in so many cases. Under Islam, that was not possible.”
From the April 18, 2023, edition of The Salem Radio Network's The Dennis Prager Show
DENNIS PRAGER (HOST): It's a very distressing thing what is being done here. The hatred of America and of capitalism is what animates the entire slave narrative in your kid's college. Yes, Corey glossed over that the US ended slavery for the rest of the world. While Britain started it, then we continued it. That is correct. Yep. By the way, if you talk about Islamic slavery which was considerably more barbaric – and, believe me, there was barbarity in our slavery. But most slaves could actually have children, for example. And on more than a few occasions, they were separated from their parents. Horrible, truly horrible. But the Black slave population increased tremendously because they could have families in so many cases. Under Islam, that was not possible, the men were castrated. And they weren't castrated with an anesthetic.
The left hates America because they have nothing going on in their lives that gives them meaning. The inferior always hates the superior. The left is morally inferior to the United States and its founders and the Judeo-Christian system. The inferior morally hate the morally superior. The left has always been morally inferior from Lenin to today.