Newsmax contributor: To vote against Donald Trump is to “endorse a dictatorship”
Dick Morris: “They've singlehandedly -- the Justice Department with some assistance from Trump -- driven out from the race everybody else for the Republican nomination”
From the August 1, 2023, edition of Newsmax's Carl Higbie Frontline
CARL HIGBIE (HOST): Yeah but Dick you think they really could keep Donald Trump off a stage in the midst of this? I mean --
HIGBIE: This is a guy who will bring his lawyers to the campaign event to do the meetings on the plane on the way there.
DICK MORRIS (NEWSMAX CONTRIBUTOR): Yeah, absolutely not. I think that this will entirely fail. I think it will continue to backlash. And when Trump asked me a couple of days ago if I thought a new indictment would hurt him, and I said to him facetiously, but I really meant it. how would you like to go up another 10 points in the poll?
Because as this, in plain sight effort to destroy our political system – so ironic they're charging him that by saying some things on television that might have been misinterpreted by a couple of hundred fanatics, and some reasonable people mixed in, that he was obstructing the election when in fact they're doing everything they can now to stop the election happening and to rig it. And I told him, well, you want to gain another 10 points? He gained 10 points the last time they indicted him. Fasten your seatbelt to see what's going to happen now. And they've singlehandedly – the Justice Department with some assistance from Trump – driven out from the race everybody else for the Republican nomination --
MORRIS: Nobody can get a word in edgewise. Nobody can raise a dime. Nobody can have the public take them seriously.
MORRIS: So they already won the Republican nomination because of their tactics. Now they're about to give them the election, because to vote against Trump in this environment with this level of prosecution with these stakes by this government, is to basically endorse a dictatorship.