California GOP endorses commentator who called for “another Crusade” against “Muslim invaders” and attacked “(((globalist NYC bankers)))”

Content warning: This article contains examples of bigoted rhetoric, including an anti-LGBTQ slur. 

The Republican Party of California is endorsing right-wing commentator Thomas Cole’s U.S. congressional campaign. Cole has said that “there will need to be another Crusade to right Europe” against “Muslim invaders,” posted an antisemitic symbol, and used an anti-LGBTQ slur. 

Cole, a commentator who posts opinion pieces online and appears on local media as a “political analyst,” is running for congress in California’s 24th congressional district. The California GOP has endorsed his campaign. 

The misinformation-filled website The Gateway Pundit has been promoting Cole’s campaign, including with the publication of a recent press release-like article claiming that Cole’s “campaign has generated hundreds of thousands of YouTube views and plans to embolden all major voting blocs with the release of its Spanish-language ad series.” 

Media Matters has documented Republican support this year for numerous right-wing commentators with histories of extremist remarks, including JD Vance, Mark Robinson, Kari Lake, Michele Morrow, and Royce White. Former President Donald Trump, of course, gained fame as a media personality.  

The California GOP is also supporting Denise Aguilar Mendez, a state Assembly candidate who has a history of fringe rhetoric, including pushing a bizarre and antisemitic conspiracy theory about the Rothschilds and child trafficking. 

Cole has repeatedly promoted extremist views on social media. The following are several examples. 

In February, Cole responded to a speech by anti-Muslim commentator Geert Wilders by calling for a “crusade” against “Muslim invaders.” He wrote: 

To the  people living in old Europe, you foolishly voted for the EU, you blindly voted your leaders into EU offices in Hague Brussels, and they voted to replace  you, the EU with Muslim invaders. You all forgot about the history of  Muslim invaders of Spain, Europe and the brave line of Europeans who fought and died to keep Europe free and safe. The Crusades, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand led the charge to save Europe from a Muslim dark age. They were successful.  Now you are bringing it all back. There will need to be another Crusade to right Europe. Europe,  do you have the stomach for it? 

In response to a quote about the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, he said: “They are captured, by (((globalist NYC bankers))).” 

In using triple brackets, Cole employed an infamous far-right tactic also known as triple parentheses or echoes that's been popularized by antisemites to attack Jewish people online. 

Relatedly, Cole responded to a post in which Republican U.S. Senate nominee Kari Lake of Arizona discussed declining an alleged “offer” to drop her Senate ambitions by writing: “King George and his Roths child bankers then and Soros and the globalists now.” Referring to supposed control by George Soros and Rothschild “bankers” are common antisemitic tropes

In November 2022, after a home invader violently attacked Paul Pelosi, Cole responded by using an anti-LGBTQ slur and suggesting it was a false flag. 

Thomas Cole Paul Pelosi post