Donald Trump Jr. says immigrants “dilute” the American population
Trump Jr.: “When your policies are failing your people, you got to make sure you dilute those people with people who will vote for you in perpetuity”
From the January 15, 2024, edition of Triggered Special Programming: Iowa Caucus Live Coverage from Des Moines, streamed on Rumble
DONALD TRUMP JR.: The Republicans, now signing off a bill. "Oh well, we'll give 5000 people a day just permanent status and we'll give everyone that ever came in here work visas." You know what that does to hardworking Americans? The people whose schools are failing their children miserably, who infrastructure -- like, let's call it -- sucks at best, whose medical infrastructure is a disaster, well, you'll have the privilege of paying not just for yourselves and your children and your grandchildren, but theirs, because there's a reason they don't want to let, like, nuclear physicists into the country. Right?
They're letting people who will, in many cases, likely never, ever contribute to the system. Because when your policies are failing your people, you got to make sure you dilute those people with people who will vote for you in perpetuity because they are dependents. You don't get to put those dependents on your tax returns when you're filing in April. You just get to keep paying forever. It doesn't work, but they don't care. Like so many things, they continue to fail and it doesn't matter and no one holds them accountable.