After Trump Gives A Speech On Reforming The Tax Code, CNN Panel Asks Again What He Has Paid In Taxes

Gloria Borger: “If You’re Prescribing What Ought To Be Done For The Rest Of America, Let's See How You Did In This Current Environment”

From the August 8 edition of CNN's Wolf:

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RYAN LIZZA: One thing that I would say is a little politically dangerous is the estate tax. He wants a full repeal of the estate tax, or what Republicans call the death tax.

WOLF BLITZER (HOST): Well most Republicans would support that. That's not a revolutionary position. 

LIZZA: If you were Donald Trump -- But he's worth $3 billion. This is going to be criticized by Democrats as a huge boon to his children. 

ED O'KEEFE: Is he worth $3 billion though? He hasn't released his tax returns. 

GLORIA BORGER: Well that's it, I was just going to say that, because the interesting thing that this raises, of course, is the more Donald Trump starts talking about your tax rates, and how he's going to save you on your taxes and how the wealthy are going to pay some more and the middle class is going to pay some less, the question can then be turned around, and I think it'll take about a nanosecond right now for the Clinton campaign to do it, which is, what have you paid? Where are your taxes? Why can't we be talking about that? If you're prescribing what ought to be done for the rest of America, let's see how you did in this current environment.


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