On CNN, Julie Roginsky calls out media outlets for failing to sufficiently cover Trump's fitness for office

Roginsky: “All of the markers of a fascist exist in Donald Trump, and yet, our news media has not done enough by any stretch of the imagination to call this out”

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Citation From the October 14, 2024, edition of CNN's CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta

JULIE ROGINSKY (GUEST): People have forgotten what he did as president before, and they need to be reminded over and over again. This is not Donald Trump saying crazy stuff, this is not hyperbolic. He has done this before, there were people around him to stop the worse impulses, including Gen. Milley, they're not going to be there this time around. So take this seriously. 

JIM ACOSTA (ANCHOR): He's airing his authoritarian impulses, is what he's saying, he's just putting it out there. He's basically letting the voters know that this is what you're voting for. And, I guess my question is, why has the vice president not done enough to call it out, to go after it? Do the Democrats need to do more in calling it out? 

ROGINSKY: I'm going to be honest with you Jim, I think the media has not done enough to call this out. I mean, where are the front page New York Times stories, and other newspapers? Over and over again they ran stories about how Joe Biden was too old, he had to get out. Over and over and over again, it saturated the mass media market to the extent that everybody knew that Joe Biden was really, really old. But here you have a fascist, Gen. Milley is right, because all of the markers of a fascist exist in Donald Trump, and yet, our news media has not done enough by any stretch of the imagination to call this out.