From the August 22 edition of CNN's CNN Tonight with Don Lemon:
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DON LEMON (HOST): Donald Trump has said at many times in no uncertain terms that 11 million illegal immigrants had to be deported. Some question, do you think he's backing off now?
BETSY MCCAUGHEY: No, I'll tell you what he's doing, and this is the natural evolution of the campaign as he moves from the primary to the general election. He's made it clear there will be a wall. No surprise about that. Every nation has a right and an obligation to enforce its borders and sadly, the United States has failed to do that in the past, and that has created an enormous economic burden for -- particularly for labor in this country.
But on the other issues, he needs the cooperation of Congress. He understands that there are three branches of government in the United States and when he met with Hispanic leaders this weekend, it was obvious that he would have to map out a practical way, and he's always used the words “fair” and “humane,” -- practical, fair and humane way to deal with illegal immigration.
But I would say this, more than anything about Donald Trump's approach to immigration, it is not racial. It is based on two things, economics and public safety.