CNN’s Banfield Corrects Trump Spokeswoman On Clinton’s Record Of Helping Veterans

Ashleigh Banfield: Clinton’s “Personal Donations Plus Her Legislative Actions Actually Was Worth A Lot Of Money”

From the June 1 edition of CNN’s Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield:

ASHLEIGH BANFIELD (HOST): I want to move on to the story that's also been big in the headlines, and that is the press conference about the veterans’ money from yesterday. One of the things that Donald Trump said, really at the outset of the press conference, was ask how much the Clintons have given to veterans. They've given them none. Nothing. And as it turns out, there's quite a robust list of veterans’ causes that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton themselves to the tune of $108,000, have donated to, and then actual legislation and actions that Senator Clinton did with various other senators, John McCain being one of them. So the work for the vets is pretty clear and the money that she's given to vets is pretty clear. So how do you defend Donald Trump by saying those words, ask how much the Clintons have given to veterans. They've given them none.

KATRINA PIERSON: It's all relative. If you're talking about $100 and some odd thousand over some period of time where Bill Clinton was president, twice, Hillary Clinton was a senator in the state of New York and secretary of state, and that's it, that is all the Clintons have to show for the work that they've done for the veterans, are you kidding me? And she was just talking about the VA is OK when we have veterans dying, waiting in lines for health care, while she supports free health care for illegal aliens?

BANFIELD: But you do agree it's not nothing. First of all, I coudn't -- I personally couldn't afford to give the veterans’ causes $108,000 and other causes, charity causes. But “nothing,” that's what he said. They've given them nothing. That's not nothing.

PIERSON: In the relative position --

BANFIELD: And all of those actions resulted -- hold on a second. All of those actions, Secretary Clinton tweeted out, they resulted in millions upon millions of dollars in benefits for veterans. So her personal donations plus her legislative actions actually was worth a lot of money.

PIERSON: The relative positions, that both of the Clintons have held, the veterans should not be in the position that they are in today. Not to mention the number of people that have now gone to war in the last 15 years even under Hillary Clinton's lack of leadership, have been detrimental to veterans in this country and to say that the VA is doing OK is completely absurd. So when things are relative, it is nothing.


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