From the August 30 edition of CNN's New Day:
CNN's Jackie Kucinich: Trump Surrounds “Himself With People Like Steve Bannon And Roger Ailes” So Attacks On Clinton Over Anthony Weiner Are “Curious”
Errol Louis: “If You Start Looking At Some Of The People Around Donald Trump, They’re Not People Of The Highest Sort Of Ethical And Moral Purity”
Written by Media Matters Staff

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Download File: CUOMO (CO-HOST): Now we have the blackface cartoon of Clinton and these bizarre remarks from Trump, of all people, saying that Clinton had bad judgment by keeping Huma Abedin close given what Anthony Weiner is dealing with in his own personal life. What's your take on this?
JACKIE KUCINICH: You know, Trump has never been someone that has a whole lot of self-awareness. So him going after Anthony Weiner when he surrounded himself with people like Steve Bannon and Roger Ailes and maybe some people a lot of people wouldn't be comfortable with having any access to classified information is curious for sure. And he also kind of jumped the shark. He started talking about some of the crazy conspiracy rumors about Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood. He said that on a radio show yesterday. So it's the old Donald Trump that we talk about rather than new and improved Kellyanne Conway Donald Trump that sort of took the reigns yesterday. And we saw going out a little bit too far, a lot a bit.
ALISYN CAMEROTA (CO-HOST): And Errol, he's not just talking about the morals of the Anthony Weiner in this latest sexting scandal. He's basically saying that Anthony Weiner is dangerous to national security because he may have had access to classified information. Let me read you the Trump statement about that. “Hillary Clinton was careless and neglent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information. Who knows what he learned and who he told? It's just another example of Hillary Clinton's bad judgment. Is it possible that our country and security have been greatly compromised by this.” What do you think of that linkage?
ERROL LOUIS: I think, one of the things is Donald Trump goes through what is his first time running for any public office, he's got to learn that that's for the surrogates to do. That's for somebody else to do. It's not for the candidate to get out and just, kind of, blindly speculate. Because he's really talking about sort of a triple jump. Was classified information given to Huma Abedin? Did she then give it to her husband? Was it information that would actually harm the security of the United States? All of that stuff are things he doesn't have any kind of grasp of any real factual information about it. So it becomes just a distraction and an accusation. It's not like you can't have distractions and accusations in a campaign, but it's not for the candidate to do. Let somebody else speculate or ask serious questions. I mean look, it wasn't that long ago that Anthony Weiner was a congressman. He had access to all kinds of important information back then. It's not as if he's supposed to be kept away from anything that might sound like it's sort of important to the national security. And, as you suggested before, you know, if you start looking at some of the people around Donald Trump, they're not people of the highest sort of ethical and moral purity, if you want to use Anthony Weiner as the standard. I mean, there are scandals that have involved people like Roger Stone. We've got these questions that are swirling around Paul Manafort. What did they hear? Did they get access to any briefings? I mean there's no point going down that rabbit hole. And here again, it's not for the candidate to do that. Let somebody else go out there and try and chop off heads. What many of us would like to hear is for the candidate to talk about policy details, talk about a direction for the country. Not getting into the back and forth.
Trump Allies Roger Stone And Alex Jones Discuss Whether Huma Abedin’s Genitals Were Mutilated