CNN's Matt Lewis: “Barack Obama Does Seem To Be Running A Sort Of Shadow Campaign Against Donald Trump” 

Lewis: “Donald Trump Is Paranoid, Yes, But I Think Obama Probably Is Working Behind Scenes.”

From the March 9 edition of CNN's New Day

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CHRIS CUOMO (CO-HOST): I don't remember Obama saying, “All is forgiven.” 

ALISYN CAMEROTA (CO-HOST): No, no. But they made nice.

MATT LEWIS: Right, I think Obama is. Now, we probably make too much of this whole thing. I don't think Barack Obama sneaked in and planted a wiretap but --

CUOMO: Good, because you don't want to suggest it. 

CAMEROTA: Two minutes ago. 

LEWIS: I'm not saying it didn't happen, but likely it didn't happen. 

MARK PRESTON: I was going to say, did Trump just tweet that?

CUOMO: There's no proof that he didn't.

LEWIS: Barack Obama does seem to be running a sort of shadow campaign against Donald Trump.

CAMEROTA: Based on what? But what do you mean by that? 

LEWIS: Based on a lot of reporting. Whether it's -- whether we're going to talk about the leaks from career bureaucrats, whether the story about Valerie Jarrett holing up inside Obama's Washington mansion, whether it's the [Former Attorney General] Eric Holder, he's tapped Eric Holder to sort of look into redistricting. I think Obama's a young active guy. He's living in D.C., and I think he probably is going to be pulling some strings to try to maybe help defeat Donald Trump. 


LEWIS: Donald Trump is paranoid, yes, but I think Obama probably is working behind scenes. 

CUOMO: Hold on. Did you just give us the, he may be paranoid but it doesn't mean people aren't after him?


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