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JOE SCARBOROUGH (HOST): Sam Stein, he, Trump really got pounded yesterday for talking about the sacrifices that he made almost in real time after making the statements and it was, story was on fire the rest of the day.
SAM STEIN: He said the sacrifice he made was to make money. I mean, that was what he was saying. He built businesses to make money and that was the sacrifice he made. I don't see how employing people and paying for their health care constitutes a sacrifice. But it was just a series of terrible missteps here. I'm trying to think of a worse interview for a presidential candidate that I’ve seen. The closest is for vice presidential candidate and that would be Sarah Palin. But I can't remember something this bad. The questioning of the wife for not speaking, suggesting that it was because of her Muslim faith that she wasn't allowed to speak, then going off and saying that Khizr Khan didn't have the right to question his understanding of the Constitution, which is inherently ironic because the Constitution gives him that right to question it, and then to suggest that he sacrificed as much as Khizr Khan. I mean, it’s just, it was baffling from start to finish and you're seeing a lot of Republicans get very nervous about what's happening right now. Not necessarily mentioning him by name, but getting incredibly nervous here.