JAKE TAPPER (HOST): President Trump's tweets are windows into his soul. Unfiltered and often seemingly unmoored. This weekend we all got to take quite a gander of judge James Robart, a [Former President] George W. Bush appointed federal judge, who temporarily suspended the president's travel and immigration ban. President Trump attacked him as a, quote, “so-called judge” seeming to question the judge's legitimacy and competence. Mr. Trump went on. “Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens, blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!”
Of the many polls suggesting that a majority of the American public opposes the travel ban, the president wrote, quote, “Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, NBC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.” Let me read that one part of that again. “Any negative polls are fake news?” You got that? So any polling suggesting anything negative about the president or his policies is not, in his view, real. Of well sourced stories reporting that the president did not know the extent to which his putting senior strategist Steve Bannon on the principals committee of the National Security Council would unprecedented and controversial, president Trump seemed to disagree. He opined quote I call my own shots largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some fake news media, in order to marginalize, lies"
Alright to sum up, if a judge rules against the president he's a so-called judge. If a poll shows the majority of you disagrees with his policies, the poll is fake. If a well sourced news story reflects something unflattering about him, that story is fake. So the judicial branch of government and the free press, two fundamental pillars of our democracy, if we take actions he does not like, we are not legitimate. Okay. What about a known geopolitical foe of the United States like, say, I don't know, Russian president Vladimir Putin? Well coincidentally the president was asked about Putin during yesterday's Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly.
Woah. So, as long as we all know where we stand. I suppose.