From the June 16 edition of MSNBC's All In with Chris Hayes:
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JOY REID (HOST): Now that his universe is defined by, his brand is defined by, quite franky racism and ethno-nationalism, does he have a big enough fan base to successfully launch a media enterprise?
ERIC BOEHLERT: It would be really problematic. I mean he would have to keep virtually all of his followers. As you mention, you take The Apprentice, 20 million viewer or however many it had on a hit night and now he's down to, I think a much smaller day-to-day fan base. He would have to take everyone in with him, right? And so what would this channel be? Crackpots that are too fringe for Fox News? I mean, Fox has a pretty good stronghold on right-wing conservative America. He would sort of have to find a niche within that. And I don't know, maybe the Alex Jones territory, things like that. And then the other problem, just practically, if they went forward with this, is this campaign is clearly sort of a cult of personality, I mean it's about him. I mean is he going to be on eight hours a day just giving his same speech over and over? So, he's got a huge ego, I'm sure everyone around him agrees that he wants to make money off this campaign, but it's problematic for one of the reasons you mentioned. He has defined his base on a, I think an increasingly narrow sort of hate demographic.