MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Blasts Republican Leaders For Endorsing Trump Despite His “Racist Statements”

Scarborough: Republicans “Back Away From Those Endorsements” Or “You Will Lose Your Standing As A National Party”

From the June 7 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe:

JOE SCARBOROUGH: (CO-HOST) So, let's just stop right here. Because, you know, a lot of times we say things and we got to go to all those other things. And I want to see the new Hillary ad. A lot of times we just stop and say “hold on.” And, like, for instance during the Republican convention in 2012, all the Republicans, “wasn't that cool?” We just stopped and we said, “This is a disaster. The Romney campaign is in deep, deep trouble. And they're going to lose if they don't turn things around quickly.” People went absolutely crazy. I get skewered 24 hours a day. My Twitter feed, “you have no idea what you’re --.” It’s time to stop right now and say this, right now, Republicans in Washington, D.C., right now you're letting your presumptive nominee, who is making racist statements, run roughshod over what remaining national reputation we have as a national party. You have to start calling him out today. This is not where you can do the slow boil. You have to start calling him out and saying you're going to retract your endorsement of him today. Or else the United States Senate is in danger. [Sen.] Kelly Ayotte's [(R-NH)]seat is in danger. [Sen.] Rob Portman's [(R-OH)] seat is in danger. [Sen.] Ron Johnson's [(R-WI)] seat is in danger. A lot of other seats are in danger.


SCARBOROUGH: If the speaker of the House continues to endorse a man making racist statements and really tearing away at the very fabric of Madison's separation of powers that talks about an independent judiciary, then the House of Representatives is in danger. We will tell you this. Remember, and it may have drove you guys crazy in the fall when Willie [Geist] and I said “what is today?” And we would look at the day and say “OK, Trump's still ahead.” And you guys say he's going to fall? Just look at the day. And we said he wasn't going to fall. He was going win the nomination. So now, what's today, Willie? Today, is Tuesday June 7, 2016. Republicans, call him out. Back away from those endorsements. Make him back down on the Muslim ban. Make him back down on this racist comment that he's made about a man born in Indiana saying he's incapable of being a fair judge because of where his parents were born. Or else you will lose the Senate. You will lose the House. You will lose the presidency. You will lose governorships. You will lose your standing as a national party. It's that simple.


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