From the March 2 edition of CBS' CBS This Morning:
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NORAH O'DONNELL (HOST): You know Peggy [Noonan], last night were talking about it and you said we are, were watching the Republican Party shatter right before our eyes. But Trump did well with moderates in the north, he did well with conservatives and evangelicals in the south. He said last night he is creating a much bigger party and in fact, turnout is way up.
O'DONNELL: Does he have a point?
NOONAN: Turnout, I think, reached in certain areas, historic levels. Look we are in an amazing point where the leading nominee for a party's nomination moved forward decisively as seen by all as the front-runner, if he were not Donald Trump, would be celebrated as the probably unstoppable front-runner and what did it do last night? It started a civil war in the party. It had been building for a few days, but last night, certainly on this air, we really saw it. Marco Rubio said, Trump gets the nomination, it will destroy the Republican party, it will split it. This is serious stuff and uncharted territory.