DON LEMON (HOST): OK, you sat here and watched, you've been on all evening, you have been defending Donald Trump and representing him on this show and many others here on CNN.
As a woman, you heard the words that he said on that bus in getting off with Billy Bush in 2005, then you just heard him, I assume at Trump Tower, in front of a camera apologizing, saying that, you know, he's not a perfect man. How do you feel about that?
SCOTTIE NELL HUGHES: Well, because I'm going to judge -- Am I supposed to sit here and judge his words? I judge actions.
ANA NAVARRO: This is a disgusting man who has consistently disgusted me from the first day of this campaign. And I think that every single Republican is going to have to answer the question: “What did you do the day you saw the tape of this man boasting about grabbing a woman's pussy?” Period.
HUGHES: Will you please stop saying that word? My daughter is listening.
NAVARRO: Don't tell me you're offended when I say “pussy,” but you're not offended when Donald Trump says it. I'm not running for president, he is.
HUGHES: Yes, and I said --
NAVARRO: OK, so then don't act outraged and offended when I say the word that you're not offended by the man who you are supporting is saying. That is just absurd.