Trump “meme team” ally Brenden Dilley calls Mehdi Hasan a “fucking terrorist”

While discussing Ryan Girdusky's comments on CNN, Dilley said: “Genius. Don't apologize, dude. Keep going. It's fucking funny. That was awesome.”


From the October 29, 2024, edition of The Dilley Show, streamed on Rumble

BRENDEN DILLEY (HOST): Cry, cry, cry. If Ryan, whatever the fuck his name is that made the beeper comment, which was gold, bro, stand on business. Yeah, you fucking terrorist, I hope your beeper doesn't go off. What? Did I fucking stutter? You pussy. You literally shrunk because the angry Black bitches on the left and right of you threw a fucking hissy fit? Fuck them. Who gives a shit? Fuck them. Fuck the angry jihadi and fuck the other cucked out white guy. Who cares? Who cares?

Fucking — you should of smiled and laughed. She was like, “Hey bro, I hope your beeper doesn't go off.” I'm — what did you do? What? That — “You heard me you motherfucking terrorist. What, did I stutter?” Dude, go out like a legend. 


Go all the way, bitch. All the way. Fuck it. You already called him out, and he is a fucking terrorist, by the way. He's a pro-Hamas Palestinian fucking empathist for for these terrorists. Go all the way, dude. Be whatever they say you're going to be. They're gonna call you a fucking white supremacist, which you're obviously not. Just go the whole way. Goddamn it.

Get banned. Get kicked out. Get them to write articles about you and how you're an asshole. Make fun of them harder. Make fun of the fat chick. “Calm down, fatty.” Get them to assault you. It's like your goal. If you're going to be the one cucked out conservative on a panel full of shit lib commies, all you should be doing is trying to antagonize them into attacking you. 

You're looking for your fucking Jim Everett moment. OK? You just call him Chris one too many times. You go full Jim Rome. “Sure thing, Chris.” Wait for that fucking NFL quarterback to come punching you. Get paid. You look at that fucker and go, “I hope your pager doesn't go off. I hope your beeper doesn't go off.” “What is that supposed to mean?” “You know exactly what it means, you fucking terrorist.” Fat chick starts talking. “I'm sorry. Who the fuck are you? Calm down, fatty.” Go full tilt on everybody on the dais, dude. Fight back, at least leave with your self-respect. 

And big deal, you're not gonna get your $350 a fucking appearance on CNN anymore. Who gives a shit? Go all the way. Now — you're going to get canceled anyway. You're already canceled now because you were already doing business with the enemy. No one ever understands this. Just be a legend. Go all the way, dude. It would have been funny as shit. Could have got that terrorist to attack you across the table. Got him to yell “allahawk snack bar” or whatever the fuck. He would've came at you, the fatty next to you could've been hanging on you, punching you in the head. You could've been yelling out world star, fucking got 60 million plays, retired on the money you made from X. 

No one ever thinks about this shit. That's why courage matters. You have to have the courage to say the thing and then the courage to double down and then triple down because it's the only way through. The only way to destroy that narrative is through it. Let's go through it. That was a funny ass quip, dude. Go hit him with, “I hope your pager doesn't go off.” That is fucking funny. That is so money because he is a Muslim who supports Palestine and is anti-Jew and anti-Israel, and it's fucking funny. “Hope your pager doesn't go off. Hope your beeper doesn't go off.” Genius. Genius. Don't apologize, dude. Keep going. It's fucking funny. That was awesome. 

Anyway, he cucked out. He's no — he's no hero. His little baby balls dropped for .2 seconds, and then they went back in his body.  


Just keep going till they cut the whole thing. They're going to cut the feed. “We're going to commercial. This is disgusting.” You're getting punched. Guy over there is weeping like a bitch. The other girl's fucking freaking out. They're asking if you're going to a Klan rally. A bunch of crazy-ass shit. Who cares? Get them all freaking worked up. Go viral, dude. Make a dent. You could have made a dent. Instead, you just coward. Fucking halfway crooks, dude. Halfway in. “Oh, I'm just kidding. Just kidding. Just kidding.” What? You're not kidding. Own that shit.