Watch A GOP Senator Try, And Fail, To Answer Questions From Jake Tapper On The KKK’s Support For Donald Trump

Tapper: “Does It Bother You At All” That Donald Trump Attracts “Support From Vile, Racist Bigots?”

From the November 2 edition of CNN's The Lead:

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JAKE TAPPER (HOST): So, President Obama in a speech just there invoked Donald Trump's seeming reluctance to denounce the Ku Klux Klan, talking about the Democrats now accusing Republicans, accusing the Trump campaign of attempting to suppress the minority vote. As I'm sure you know, just this morning Donald Trump picked up a newspaper endorsement from The Crusader, which is the Ku Klux Klan's quarterly. On the front page of the paper, the paper says that they want Donald Trump to be president, and they write “Make America Great Again.” The Trump campaign, though not the candidate, denounced the endorsement quickly. Does it bother you at all that the Republican nominee continues to attract this kind of support from vile racist bigots? 

DAVID PERDUE (R-GA):  Jake, these are last-minute, I think, drastic attempts to move the people of America away from the real issues. 


TAPPER: After Mr. Trump gave that interview, Senator, a commentator on the website Stormfront which is an internet haven for neo-Nazis and white supremacists, he called Trump's response “the best political thing I have seen in my life.” I recognize that you don't want to talk about this, but what Mr. Trump says and his refusal to repudiate in a vociferous fashion is attracting these people who are racists.


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