The Republican National Convention featured a tweet from the white nationalist website during the roll call vote following Donald Trump’s nomination for president. White nationalist groups and media have long supported Trump’s campaign.
Weekly Standard web producer Alice Lloyd tweeted a photo of a tweet ticker inside the RNC convention hall in Cleveland, Ohio, showing a tweet from’s Twitter account praising a speech Rep. Chris Collins’ (R-NY) gave at the convention in support of Donald Trump’s nomination:
Republicans promoting VDARE on tweet ticker during roll call vote
— Alice Lloyd (@aliceblloyd) July 20, 2016’s Twitter account also tweeted a photo of the ticker as its tweet appeared:
Your humble Twitter administrator featured at #RNCinCLE -
— Virginia Dare (@vdare) July 20, 2016
Trump’s campaign has long received support from white nationalist individuals and media outlets. is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “an anti-immigration hate website” with a white nationalist ideology that “regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites.” has bragged that Trump’s rise brought its “ideas … firmly in the mainstream,” and used this claim to solicit funds for its website. The site has praised Trump’s plan to halt Muslims from the United States and supported Trump’s racist attacks against Judge Gonzalo Curiel.