“Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander: Elon Musk buying Twitter is “the most consequential thing I've seen since the election of Trump”
Alexander: In buying Twitter, Musk “took out, basically, the assignment desk for social justice warriors”
"Stop the Steal" organizer Ali Alexander: Elon Musk buying Twitter is "the most consequential thing I've seen since the election of Trump"

From an online stream on April 27, 2022
ALI ALEXANDER ("STOP THE STEAL" ORGANIZER): You know, I think in November, we're just looking at a totally [inaudible] world on Twitter. I don't know if Twitter, you know, maintains its relevance or not, but, you know, that [Elon Musk] took it -- that he took out, basically, the assignment desk for social justice warriors. It is the most consequential thing I've seen since the election of Trump. But again, I think the election of Trump was more about blocking Hillary. And even though I love Trump and I, you know, paid in blood and sweat and tears for him, blocking Hillary was way more important than electing Trump. That woman's, you know, the devil incarnate. And so I think they were faced with something very, very similar here.