Bolling wonders if Obama “let” oil rig leak so he “could renege on his promise” to “allow some offshore drilling”

From the May 27 edition of Fox Business' Happy Hour:

Video file


BOLLING: Let me ask you this, alright, Alan, day one. That leak came and BP said there's about 42,000 gallons -- 1,000 barrels a day were leaking. About day nine, they said, you know, it looks like it's going to be 5,000 barrels per day, 210,000 gallons. Today, day 38, we find it's likely a million gallons a day.

Had the Obama administration gone in there, sent the Army Corps of Engineers into that hole, into that -- the, the, the dig, and find out that there's a million gallons a day, and BP had no way of stopping this, they may have started then, not day 38.

COLMES: But, you know, they went on the best information they had, day 4, day 5, day 9.

BOLLING: Are you sure they didn't let it --

CODY WILLARD (co-host): But they could have gotten better information.

BOLLING: Are you sure they didn't --

COLMES: Maybe or maybe not --


BOLLING: Are you sure they didn't let it leak so he could renege on his promise to, to, to allow some offshore drilling?

COLMES: Oh, that's what -- it's a big conspiracy. Hey, there's a black helicopter. Yeah, it's all about reneging on a permit, that's right.


“Sabotage!” Right-wing media respond to oil spill by dreaming up conspiracy theories

Bolling conspiracy theory: Obama admin. could have “let” oil rig “leak” before “address[ing] it”