Newsmax guest: “We need to be more homophobic”
Shemeka Michelle: “This is a war between good and evil”
From the August 16, 2023, edition of Newsmax's Eric Bolling: The Balance
ERIC BOLLING (HOST): I mean, first of all, it is unbelievable that that's our health secretary. But this idea of egg -- you can't say mother anymore. I'm getting -- it's -- where are we? Where the hell are we, Shemeka?
SHEMEKA MICHELLE (GUEST): You know, I guess if we're identifying as egg producers, I should just identify as a chicken from now on. I said this about five years ago, and so many people told me I was crazy, this wasn't happening in the United States. And now look at us. This is silly to me. And so, what we have done is we have put in place people that 20 years ago would have been locked in an insane asylum. We've put them in prominent positions to completely confuse our children. And this is just silly. It's nothing above stupidity. It is idiocy at its finest.
BOLLING: Chris Bedford, what about this? I mean, you know, you look at China. They're building stuff in the South China Sea. They're preparing their military. Russia is doing, you know, obviously fighting, getting really good at it. And we have Admiral Rachel Levine talking about egg producers.
CHRIS BEDFORD (GUEST): It's embarrassing. It doesn't appear like we're a serious country. At least our country right now is not very serious about defense. These are the sorts of things that our Pentagon has focused on as opposed to trying to figure out, maybe, why we lost the last two wars that we were engaged in. Now, they hoisted this whole idea on us under the auspices of just live and let live and don't bother other people. How was it any skin off your back if somebody claims to be a woman or an egg producer or whatever they want to call it. But that wasn't actually the end goal here. The end goal was trying to teach it to your children. And this was not in a gathering of adults. The group he was speaking at was not a group that just tries to talk about gay rights to adults. There was one that preaches this stuff to K through 12 education, that tells kindergarteners this is not -- that gender is not a real thing. It's predatory, and it's not just a live and let live thing anymore. Right now, it's really a thing that says if you don't accept this predatory mental illness, then you're a bigot. And it is actually coming for your kids.
BOLLING: Shemeka, about 30 seconds to each -- for each of you right here. So, tell us -- it's not getting any better, though. The more -- we are talking about it ad nauseam here. But the left just calls us, as Chris points out, we're bigoted and homophobic.
MICHELLE: Yeah, I actually think, if that's the case, we need to be more homophobic. We need to take it up a notch because these people have continued to do this because we failed to shame them. We failed to put our feet down and stand tall and say what we believe without the fear of being canceled. Now is not the time to worry about having friends. It is about linking up with people who have the same values as you and realizing this is a war between good and evil. And If we don't stand tall, we're going to lose.