Update (2/27/20): Facebook and Twitter have now suspended the Telegram channel’s accounts on their platforms, with the former taking nearly 48 hours to take action and the latter taking more than 48 hours. In a statement to a reporter for New Zealand’s Newsroom, a Facebook spokesperson said, “We have removed this Page for violating our Community Standards,” which contradicts the platform’s initial review of the page.
An anti-Semitic Telegram channel known for targeting Jews created new Facebook and Twitter accounts to cross-post its harassing content. Despite their policies on harassment and hate speech, neither Facebook nor Twitter has taken action on the new accounts, with Facebook claiming the page does not violate its policies.
The channel, as Mother Jones' Ali Breland wrote in September, has been compiling “an online list of Jewish people who are critical of white nationalism” since it was created last summer. The list includes “archived tweets from individuals criticizing white supremacy, misogyny, and other types of bigotry,” along with tweets “in which the person in question describes themselves as Jewish.” Breland noted that the list “includes many who are not public figures, or who have only modest profiles as rank-and-file activists, journalists, or social media figures.” Breland added that the channel had become “the fastest-growing alt-right group” on Telegram at that time. In February, he tweeted that other white nationalist Telegram channels had forwarded the channel's “content around the time of” a pro-gun rally in Richmond, Virginia, that white nationalists had organized around.
On February 25, the channel posted that “Operation ‘Mass Kvetching’ is underway,” and urged its supporters to “follow [it] on the following platforms,” posting links to both Facebook and Twitter accounts.