Fox’s Sean Duffy: Black people using SNAP benefits on junk food are the cause of racial disparity in COVID statistics
Duffy: “We have to take personal responsibility for the choices that we make in our lives, and to say that it’s all racism is a farce”
From the April 9, 2021, edition of Fox News' The Five
GERALDO RIVERA (GUEST CO-HOST): Sean Duffy, the reality is that Black men live four years less than white men. That's a -- there's a reason for that. Is it racism? Is it public health? What do you see it as?
SEAN DUFFY (GUEST CO-HOST): Yeah, those stats don't lie, right? So, if Black men live four years less than white men, what's causing that. To Greg's point -- and the CDC came out and said minority communities have higher rates of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, asthma, heart disease, and so, we should look at what personal choices are people making in certain communities? And, you know, what are the mores, and the norms, and the food choices that we make.
Or if we look at those who are on public assistance, why aren't we saying you got to buy, you know, fruits and vegetables and whole grain foods instead of chips and Coca-Cola as Tucker would say causes diabetes? We have to take personal responsibility for the choices that we make in our lives, and to say that it's all racism is a farce.
And by the way, with regard to COVID, the more obese you were, the higher the risk was that you would die from COVID. So, there's a direct correlation in communities health to their ability to fight COVID. And so, we don't look at simple answers to the data, doesn't make sense, and to fall back on racism is just -- everything is racism, right? Racism is the answer for everything wrong in America.